Copy Tempo DC worklogs to Tempo Cloud for a single issue

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This template demonstrats how to find all worklogs for a specified issue from Tempo Data Center instance and then how to copy them over to Tempo Cloud instance. Get started to learn more.

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Template Content





๐Ÿ“‹ Overview

This template demonstrats how to find all worklogs for a specified issue from Tempo Data Center instance and then how to copy them over to Tempo Cloud instance.

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Setup

  • Configure API Connections by creating connectors for Jira Cloud, Jira On-Premise, Tempo Cloud and Tempo On-Premise, or use existing ones.
  • Navigate to CopyWorklogs script and change the SOURCE_ISSUE and TARGET_ISSUE to appropriate values. Optionally change other parameters to appropriate values as well.

๐Ÿš€ Usage

Trigger CopyWorklogs script manually, which after successful run should copy over all the Tempo worklogs for the specified issue.

API Connections


import JiraCloud from './api/jira/cloud';
import TempoCloud from './api/tempo/cloud';
import JiraOnPremise from './api/jira/on-premise';
import TempoOnPremise from './api/tempo/on-premise';
import { UserAsResponse } from '@managed-api/jira-cloud-v3-core/definitions/UserAsResponse';
import { TempoWorklogV4BeanAsResponse } from '@managed-api/tempo-timesheets-on-premise-v4-core/definitions/TempoWorklogV4BeanAsResponse';
import dayjs from 'dayjs';
import { throttleAll } from 'promise-throttle-all';

// Global parameters, make sure you have these parameters changed to correct values
const FROM_DATE = '1970-01-01';
const TO_DATE = '2030-01-01';
const CONCURRENCY = 10; // Controls how many concurrent jobs can be processed at any given time

 * This function finds all the worklogs for specified issue from Tempo On-Premise and then copies over those worklogs to Tempo Cloud
 * Run this script manually any time you woud like to have worklogs copied over
 * PS! Currently this script does not delete existing worklogs or compare if the worklog already exists
export default async function (event: any, context: Context): Promise<void> {
    console.log('Getting users from Jira Cloud...');
    // Find all the users from Jira Cloud
    const targetUsers = await getUsers();
    console.log(`Found ${targetUsers.length} Jira Cloud users`);

    // Find worklogs for given issue key
    const worklogs = await TempoOnPremise.Worklog.findWorklogs({
        body: {
            from: FROM_DATE,
            to: TO_DATE,
            taskKey: [SOURCE_ISSUE_KEY]

    // Copy over all the worklogs concurrently, but use 'throttleAll' function to limit the max concurrency
    await throttleAll(CONCURRENCY, => () => copyWorklog(targetUsers, w)));

async function copyWorklog(targetUsers: UserAsResponse[], worklog: TempoWorklogV4BeanAsResponse) {
    try {
        // Find the source user from Jira On-Premise with the user key
        const sourceUser = await JiraOnPremise.User.getUser({
            key: worklog.updater

        // Find the target user from Jira Cloud with matching e-mail address
        const targerUser = targetUsers.find(e => e.emailAddress === sourceUser.emailAddress);

        // Check if the user was found
        if (!targerUser || !targerUser.accountId) {
            // If not then throw an error
            throw Error(`No target user found with email: ${targerUser}`);

        // Parse the worklog started date with dayjs
        const createdDate = dayjs(worklog.started);

        // Find the target issue from Jira Cloud
        const targetIssue = await JiraCloud.Issue.getIssue({
            issueIdOrKey: TARGET_ISSUE_KEY

        // Create a new worklog in Tempo Cloud
        const newWorklog = await TempoCloud.Worklog.createWorklog({
            body: {
                authorAccountId: targerUser.accountId,
                issueId: +( ?? '0'),
                description: worklog.comment,
                startDate: createdDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
                startTime: createdDate.format('HH:mm:ss'),
                timeSpentSeconds: worklog.timeSpentSeconds ?? 0,
                remainingEstimateSeconds: worklog.issue?.estimatedRemainingSeconds

        // And print out the details
        console.log('Worklog copied', {
            oldId: worklog.tempoWorklogId,
            newId: newWorklog.tempoWorklogId,
            author: targerUser.emailAddress,
            date: worklog.dateCreated,
            timeSpent: worklog.timeSpent
    } catch (e) {
        // If anything went wrong, log it to console
        console.error('Failed to copy worklog', worklog, e);

// Function to retrieve all the users from Jira Cloud (traverses paginated results)
async function getUsers() {
    const allUsers: UserAsResponse[] = [];
    const maxResults = 50;
    let startAt = 0;

    do {
        const users = await JiraCloud.User.getUsers({


        if (users.length === maxResults) {
            startAt += maxResults;
        } else {
            startAt = 0
    } while (startAt > 0);

    return allUsers;
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