Return a custom image from a URL

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About the template

This template fetches an image of a kitten and then sends back the image with a HTTP response. This template demonstrates how to work with Generic HTTP Event listeners and how to send back binary data as a response. Get started to learn more.

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ScriptRunner Connect is an AI assisted code-first (JavaScript/TypeScript) integration platform (iPaaS) for building complex integrations and automations.

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Can I change the integration to communicate with additional apps?

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Template Content



Sync HTTP Event


๐Ÿ“‹ Overview

This template fetches an image of a kitten ๐Ÿฑ and then sends back the image with a HTTP response. This template demonstrates how to work with Generic HTTP Event listeners and how to send back binary data as a response.

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Setup

  • Configure Sync HTTP Event listener.

๐Ÿš€ Usage

Grab the URL that you should have received when setting up the Generic HTTP Event Listener, open that URL in your browser, after successful event processing you should get back a random kitten image.


import { HttpEventRequest, HttpEventResponse } from '@sr-connect/generic-app/events/http';
import { convertBufferToText } from '@sr-connect/convert';

 * This function fetches a kitten image by using Fetch API (,
 * and then sends back the image with HTTP response
 * @param event Object that holds Sync HTTP Event event data
 * @param context Object that holds function invocation context data
export default async function(event: HttpEventRequest, context: Context): Promise<HttpEventResponse> {
    // Fetch a kitten image using Fetch API
    const response = await fetch('');

    // Check if the response is OK
    if (!response.ok) {
        // If not then throw an error
        throw Error(`Unexpected response: ${response.status}`)

    // Convert the binary data from response into base64 encoded string
    const body = convertBufferToText(await response.arrayBuffer(), 'base64');

    // Return back a response
    return {
        status: 200,
        isBase64: true
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