Read Jira Cloud users from custom API endpoint

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About the template

This template fetches users from a Jira Cloud instance, transforms the users list and sends it back as JSON with the HTTP response. This template demonstrates how you can build your own API endpoints by responding with JSON. Get started to learn more.

About ScriptRunner Connect

What is ScriptRunner Connect?

ScriptRunner Connect is an AI assisted code-first (JavaScript/TypeScript) integration platform (iPaaS) for building complex integrations and automations.

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Can I customize the integration logic?

Absolutely. The main value proposition of ScriptRunner Connect is that you'll get full access to the code that is powering the integration, which means you can make any changes to the the integration logic yourself.

Can I change the integration to communicate with additional apps?

Yes. Since ScriptRunner Connect specializes in enabling complex integrations, you can easily change the integration logic to connect to as many additional apps as you need, no limitations.

What if I don't feel comfortable making changes to the code?

First you can try out our AI assistant which can help you understand what the code does, and also help you make changes to the code. Alternatively you can hire our professionals to make the changes you need or build new integrations from scratch.

Do I have to host it myself?

No. ScriptRunner Connect is a fully managed SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) product.

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Template Content



Sync HTTP Event


๐Ÿ“‹ Overview

This template fetches users from a Jira Cloud instance, transforms the users list and sends it back as JSON with the HTTP response. This template demonstrates how you can build your own API endpoints by making use of Generic Event Listener and by responding in JSON.

๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Setup

  • Configure Sync HTTP Event listener.

๐Ÿš€ Usage

Grab the URL that you should have received when setting up the Generic HTTP Event Listener, open that URL in your browser, after successful event processing you should see a list of transformed users from your Jira Cloud instance in JSON format.

API Connections


import { HttpEventRequest, HttpEventResponse, buildJSONResponse } from '@sr-connect/generic-app/events/http';
import JiraCloud from "./api/jira/cloud";

 * This function fetches users from Jira Cloud, transforms the users list and sends it back as JSON with HTTP response.
 * @param event Object that holds Sync HTTP Event event data
 * @param context Object that holds function invocation context data
export default async function (event: HttpEventRequest, context: Context): Promise<HttpEventResponse> {
    // Get users from jira (result is paginated which we're not traversing right now)
    const users = await JiraCloud.User.getUsers();

    // Pick out fields that we're interested in
    const formattedUsers ={ displayName, emailAddress, active, accountId }) => ({

    // Finally return transformed JSON output
    return buildJSONResponse(formattedUsers);
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